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Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of All-American Lawns -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, All-Star Perennials, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep All-American Lawns, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Amazing Antidotes! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Clobber High Cholesterol, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Amazing Antidotes!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of America's Best Practical Problem Solvers -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Super Garlic to the Rescue!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview America's Best Practical Problem Solvers and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Backyard Bird Feeding Bonanza -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Surviving Squirrels, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Backyard Bird Feeding Bonanza, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Backyard Birdscaping Bonanza -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Butterfly Magic, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Backyard Birdscaping Bonanza, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Backyard Problem Solver -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Container Garden Magic, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Backyard Problem Solver, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Bug Off! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Bird Gardening Secrets, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Bug Off!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Can the Clutter! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Clean It Up!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Can the Clutter! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Cleaning Magic! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Secrets from the Clutter Buster Pros, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Cleaning Magic!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Critter Control & Pest Prevention -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Bird Gardening Secrets, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Critter Control & Pest Prevention, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Cure Your Lethal Lifestyle! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Live to Be 100...and Love Every Minute of It!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Cure Your Lethal Lifestyle!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Cut Your Health Care Bills in Half! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Old-Time Baking Soda Secrets, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Cut Your Health Care Bills in Half!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Dear God...Please Help It Grow! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, The Top Ten Healing Foods from the Bible, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Dear God...Please Help It Grow, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Eureka! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Jewels In The Attic, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Eureka!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Fast Fixes & Miracle Mixes -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Weather-Wise Gardening Wisdom, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Fast Fixes & Miracle Mixes, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Fix It Fast and Make It Last! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, 94 DIY Workshop Wonders, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Fix It Fast and Make It Last!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Flower Garden Problem Solver -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Birds & Bees & Butterflies...Oh My, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Flower Garden Problem Solver, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Giant Book of Garden Solutions -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Get the #@*&!! Outta Here!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Giant Book of Garden Solutions, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Kitchen Counter Cures -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Grandma Putt's Medicine Chest, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Kitchen Counter Cures, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Goof Proof Your Life! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Supermarket Savings Secrets, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Goof Proof Your Life!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Grandma Putt's Green Thumb Magic -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, 113 Duct Tape Solutions to Solve Your Stickiest Situations, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Grandma Putt's Green Thumb Magic, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Grandma Putt's Home Health Remedies -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Grandma Putt's Healing Recipes, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Grandma Putt's Home Health Remedies, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Grandma Putt's Old-Time Vinegar, Garlic, Baking Soda, and 101 More Problem Solvers -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Don't You Dare Throw it Out!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Grandma Putt's Old-Time Vinegar, Garlic, Baking Soda, and 101 More Problem Solvers, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Great Green Book of Garden Secrets -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, America's Most Wanted Bugs - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Great Green Book of Garden Secrets, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Green Grass Magic -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Throw Your Trimmer Away, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Green Grass Magic, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Grow Younger, Live Longer! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Grow Younger Smoothies, Shakes, and Swirls!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Grow Younger, Live Longer!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Healing Fixers Mixers and Elixirs -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Heal it With Honey, Yogurt, Lavender and More!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Healing Fixers Mixers and Elixirs, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Healing Remedies Hiding in Your Kitchen -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Superstar Smoothies for Great Health!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Healing Remedies Hiding in Your Kitchen, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Herbal Pharmacy -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Healing Remedies from the Kitchen, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Herbal Pharmacy, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Homemade Health -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Homemade Beauty, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Homemade Health, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Homespun Magic -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Lick 'Em with Lemons and Solve 'Em with Salt, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Homespun Magic, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
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Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Insider Secrets -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Jewels in the Attic, Gold in the Garage, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Insider Secrets, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of It Pays to be Cheap! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Fabulous Freebies, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep It Pays to be Cheap!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Lawn & Garden Problem Solver -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Weather-Wise Gardening Solutions, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Lawn & Garden Problem Solver, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Live Rich, Spend Smart, and Enjoy Your Retirement! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Look Like a Million Any Age!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Live Rich, Spend Smart, and Enjoy Your Retirement!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of No Green Thumb Required! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, 124 of the Best Gardening Secrets on Earth!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep No Green Thumb Required!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Oddball Cures -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Super Foods for Super Health, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Oddball Cures, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Oddball Ointments -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Super Foods for Super Health, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Oddball Ointments, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Old-Time Gardening Wisdom -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, 101 Great Garden Tips, Vol. III, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Old-Time Gardening Wisdom, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Perfect Perennials -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Amazing Annuals, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Perfect Perennials, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Pickle Juice, Pantyhose, Milk Jugs & More! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Super Garlic to the Rescue!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Pickle Juice, Pantyhose, Milk Jugs & More!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Secrets from the Jerry Baker Test Gardens -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Weather-Wise Gardening Wisdom, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Secrets from the Jerry Baker Test Gardens, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Solve It with Vinegar! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Slash Your Utility Bills in Half!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Solve It with Vinegar!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Speed Cleaning Secrets! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Tips & Tricks from the Clutter Buster Pros, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Speed Cleaning Secrets!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Supermarket Super Gardens -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Supermarket Super Gadgets, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Supermarket Super Gardens, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Supermarket Super Products! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Junk Busters, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Supermarket Super Products and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Supermarket Super Remedies -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Get Energized!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Supermarket Super Remedies, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Terrific Garden Tonics! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Garden Magic, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Terrific Garden Tonics!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Terrific Tomatoes, Sensational Spuds, and Mounth-Watering Melons -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Pinchin' Pennies & Saving Bucks, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Terrific Tomatoes, Sensational Spuds, and Mouth-Watering Melons, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of The Anti-Pain Plan -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Quick Fixes, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep The Anti-Pain Plan, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of The New Healing Foods -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, 150 Best All-Time Home Remedies, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep The New Healing Foods, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of The New Impatient Gardener -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, 124 of the Best Gardening Secrets on Earth!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep The New Impatient Gardener, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Top 25 Homemade Healers -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Lose Weight, Feel Great!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Top 25 Homemade Healers, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Ultimate Household Tonics Book! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Slash Your Utility Bills in Half!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Ultimate Household Tonics Book!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Vinegar: The King of All Cures! -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Baking Soda: The Quick Fix Queen, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Vinegar: The King of All Cures!, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Vital Vinegar Cookbook "Cures" -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Remarkable Olive Oil Remedies!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Vital Vinegar Cookbook "Cures", you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Year-Round Bloomers -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, 185 Best All-Time Garden Secrets, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Year-Round Bloomers, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Vinegar Solutions for Savvy Seniors -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Natural Beauty For Life!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Vinegar Solutions for Savvy Seniors, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Vinegar Magic -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Natural Beauty For Life!, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY. I understand that if I keep Vinegar Magic, you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Quick "Cures", Handy Hints, and Super Solutions -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Kitchen Magic, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE:I understand that if I keep Quick "Cures", Handy Hints, and Super Solutions you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.

Save 10% with a Jerry Baker Book Series!
Send no money now, take a FREE 21-Day look, and save 10%!
Yes Jerry--please rush me a copy of Baker's Dozen -- mine to preview FREE for 21 days. I understand that I am under absolutely no risk, since I don't need to send any money now.
If I decide to keep this book, I'll save 10% by paying for it in four installments of only $8.77 each, plus shipping and processing. Otherwise, I'll return it at the end of the preview period and owe nothing. The FREE Gift, Weather-Wise Gardening Solutions, is mine to keep no matter what I decide.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE:I understand that if I keep Baker's Dozen you'll let me know when the next book in the Series is available. I'll receive it unless I return your advance announcement within 30 days, according to the NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE (below).
All orders are subject to approval.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Supermarket Super Gardens and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
All orders are subject to approval.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Terrific Garden Tonics! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
All orders are subject to approval.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Vinegar: The King of All Cures! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
All orders are subject to approval.
NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Lawn & Garden Problem Solver and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview All-American Lawns and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Backyard Birdscaping Bonanza and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Backyard Problem Solver and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Critter Control & Pest Prevention and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Dear God, Please Help it Grow! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Flower Garden Problem Solver and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Grandma Putt's Green Thumb Magic and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Green Grass Magic and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview No Green Thumb Required and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Old-Time Gardening Wisdom and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Perfect Perennials and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Terrific Tomatoes and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Year-Round Bloomers and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Healing Fixers Mixers and Elixirs and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Giant Book of Kitchen Counter Cures and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Top 25 Homemade Healers and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Grow Younger, Live Longer! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Cure Your Lethal Lifestyle! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Cut Your Health Care Bills in Half and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Grandma Putt's Home Health Remedies and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Healing Remedies Hiding In Your Kitchen and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Herbal Pharmacy and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Homemade Health and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Oddball Cures and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Supermarket Super Remedies and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview The Anti-Pain Plan and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview The New Healing Foods and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Health Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Vital Vinegar Cookbook "Cures" and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Solve It with Vinegar! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Can the Clutter and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Fix It Fast and Make It Last and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Goof Proof Your Life! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Grandma Putt's Vinegar, Garlic and Baking Soda and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Homespun Magic and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Insider Secrets and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview It Pays to Be Cheap! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Live Rich, Spend Smart, and Enjoy Your Retirement! and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Pickle Juice, Pantyhose, & Milk Jugs and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Speed Cleaning Secrets and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Vinegar Solutions for Savvy Seniors and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Vinegar Magic and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Quick "Cures", Handy Hints, and Super Solutions and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Hints and Tips Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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NEVER ANY OBLIGATION TO BUY GUARANTEE: If you preview Baker's Dozen and enjoy it, you'll become a valued member of the Jerry Baker Good Home, Health & Garden Series. You can preview each book in the Series--but no more than two per year. We'll send you an announcement in advance of each book's arrival, and if you want to try the terrific tips, tricks, and tonics, do nothing--we'll send the book to you to try out. If you don't wish to receive it, just indicate so on the announcement, and return it within 30 days. You'll always have at least 30 days to decide and let us know. If you wish to keep the new book, simply pay the enclosed bill (including shipping and processing). If you decide it's not for you, or if you ever have less than 30 days to respond to our announcement, simply return the book and owe nothing. The choice is always yours. You may cancel the Series at any time simply by clicking here, calling 1-800-217-4900, M-F, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST, or writing to Customer Service, P.O. Box 930006, Dept. 10, Wixom, MI 48393. And there is no obligation to buy a single book.
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